Arkhangelsk Region
Arkhangelsk Region is the largest province in Europe and is known as the cradle of the national fleet and the birthplace of the Russian flag. While respectfully preserving its traditions, the region pays close attention to new areas of growth and the realization of its own potential.
The Arkhangelsk Region stand will showcase the economic, scientific, cultural, and tourism potential of the region.
You will learn the region’s history from ancient books, part of a unique collection from the Library of the Russian North. You will see presentations on the region’s primary enterprises and priority investment projects and head out on a virtual expedition with the Arctic Floating University.
Moreover, the stand will showcase unique jewellery made with northern diamonds produced in the region itself (gemstones are mined not far from the city of Arkhangelsk at Europe’s largest diamond deposit).
Arkhangelsk Seaweed Factory
Arkhangelsk Seaweed Factory is the only enterprise in Russia that harvests and processes Arctic seaweed of the Laminaria, Fucus, and Ahnfeltia genera. We use them to produce pharmaceutical substances, extremely beneficial health food products, and natural cosmetics.
In 2018, the factory celebrated its 100-year anniversary. Over the last 100 years, we have developed and implemented unique technologies, allowing us to produce world-class medicinal, food, and cosmetic products.
328, Leningradskiy Prospekt
Arkhangelsk, 163030
Tel.: 8 (800) 550-15-71
Fax: 8 (8182) 62-83-10
The State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” (ROSATOM)
The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM is one of the global technological leaders. The company has assets and competencies to work at all stages of the nuclear production chain from uranium mining to decommissioning of nuclear facilities and spent nuclear fuel management. ROSATOM brings together about 400 enterprises and organizations. ROSATOM is the third in the world in nuclear power generation.The corporation is the global leader in simultaneous implementation of NPP power units and has the largest portfolio of foreign construction projects (36 NPP units in 12 countries). ROSATOM manufactures equipment and produces isotopes for nuclear medicine, carries out research and material studies. It also assembles supercomputers and designs software as well as different nuclear and non-nuclear innovative products. The company has business ventures covering various clean energy projects. ROSATOM has second largest uranium reserves and 17% of the global nuclear fuel market.
Yenisei Siberia
Yenisei Siberia is a comprehensive investment project, aimed at developing Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia, and the Tyva Republic. The comprehensive investment project is composed of 32 investment projects worth over RUB 1.9 trillion, running up to 2027. Three of those projects will be realized in the Arctic zone: Southern Cluster (Norilsk Nickel), development of the Payakhsk fields (Neftegazholding), and the Eastern Taimyr industrial cluster (Severnaya Zvezda). The implementation of these projects will help develop Russia's Arctic zone, create new jobs, and increase traffic along the Northern Sea Route.
“Almaz-Antey” Air and Space Defense Corporation”, Joint Stock Company
Almaz-Antey Corporation is one of Russia’s largest integrated organizations in the defence industry, bringing together more than 60 research institutes, development bureaus, science and production facilities, and industrial and service enterprises. The corporation exports to more than 50 countries worldwide. Of the globe’s top 100 arms suppliers, Almaz-Antey is the 8th largest by sales. The corporation also focuses on numerous areas beyond air and missile defence.
Almaz-Antey’s exposition provides a space to discuss potential collaboration with organizations operating in the B2B and B2G markets. It also aims to reinforce the corporation’s image as a reliable industrial and financial partner possessing substantial scientific and manufacturing capabilities. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the organization’s ability to develop and launch high-tech products for civilian use in collaboration with other parties.
Russian State Hydrometeorological University
The world's oldest and Russia's only hydrometeorological higher education institution recognized as a Regional Training Centre by the World Meteorological Organization.
It is involved in creating an Arctic and Climate Research Centre in St. Petersburg for advancing joint Russian-French scientific research and investment projects in the Arctic.
RSHU is a research university that prepares highly skilled professionals across a wide range of priority fields and specializations related to the environment, ecology, modern information technology, economics and management, and art.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Bauman Moscow State Technical University is Russia’s leading engineering university which trains specialists in various fields.
Our university is a major research centre with a unique base for scientific study, which conducts research and development work for the technological advancement of the Arctic zone.
The Directorate for the Arctic Programmes has been created at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University in order to address the variety of scientific and technical problems.
The stand features experimental models of ecosystem-preserving vehicles, remote-controlled robotics, monitoring systems, and support systems for Arctic airfields.
International Year of the Periodic Table
In honour of the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, RAS, and UNESCO have organized a unique interactive exhibition, dedicated to modern discoveries in the field of chemistry:
- a molecular bar with an unusual menu;
- a research zone focusing on developments in the fields of synthetic chemistry and materials science that can be applied to the Arctic. Among them are new thermal insulating materials the can be used in the conditions of the Far North, inert gases as an effective source of light during the polar night, and many other discoveries made by Russian scientists;
- a VR stand with a detailed reconstruction of Professor Dmitri Mendeleev’s office and 3D projections of inorganic chemistry laboratory experiments.
- an interactive periodic table and other exhibits by Lomonosov Moscow State University, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, and the All-Russian Festival of Science NAUKA 0+.
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
The Ministry was established on 15 May 2018. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 682, the Ministry performs functions for developing and implementing the state policy and regulation in the areas of:
- higher education and related supplementary vocational education;
- scientific, technological and innovation activities, nanotechnologies;
- development of federal centres of science and high technology, state scientific centres and science cities;
- social support and welfare for students.
At the stand, visitors have a chance to get acquainted with effective innovative solutions of the Russian universities and RAS institutes for addressing challenges in various fields: extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons, environmental protection, and creation of new infrastructure solutions in the Arctic territories.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation forum exhibition focuses on environmental protection and sustainable use of the Arctic’s natural resources.
Four thematic areas (Subsoil, Forest, Climate, Nature) will be represented:
- Projects to effectively develop the minerals and raw materials of the Russian Arctic;
- Information on preserving biodiversity and programmes to develop ecotourism in the Arctic;
- New climate monitoring technologies;
- Prospects for the sustainable use of the Arctic zone’s forest resources.
Murmansk Region
Murmansk Region is a unique Arctic region located in the North-West of the European Russia, on the coast of the Barents and White Seas. At the stand, visitors have a chance to learn about the competitive advantages of Murmansk Region, which predetermine its significant role in achieving the objectives of public policy in the areas of socio-economic development, security, science and technology, and international cooperation in the Russian Arctic.
The comprehensive stand tells about large projects in Murmansk Region aimed at developing infrastructure for offshore hydrocarbon production, transport and energy infrastructure, resource base and production capacities of existing mining and ship repair enterprises, as well as creating new mining, chemical and metallurgical production, coastal fish processing enterprises, aquaculture and fishing fleet renewal.
We invite new partners and friends to share with us the beauty and wealth of Kola, along with its capabilities and prospects.
Welcome to Murmansk Region!
The exhibition stand of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) features examples of modern tech, diving equipment and gear, fire and rescue gear, and new communications technologies used by EMERCOM Russia Search and Rescue Operations in the Arctic. Of particular interest to specialists are the distance education technologies used to prepare rescuers for operating in the conditions of the Far North.
Particular attention is paid to a special anniversary. On 30 April 2019 the Russian State Fire Service will celebrate its 370th birthday. The stand presents historical records and documents and examples of protective equipment used before the revolution, during the revolution, and during World War II.
Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Nenets Autonomous Okrug is a region that boasts the richest natural resource potential and a rapidly developing economy. The region’s rapid economic growth is due in part to its hydrocarbon deposits and oil production complex, as well as its unique environment and climate complex, biological resources, and ethnographic composition.
At the exhibition, the region, together with AEON Corporation, will present on its central investment project – the construction of a seaport with a coal terminal near the settlement Indiga (INDIGA SEA PORT) in Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The stand will showcase the region’s investment potential, its system of investor support measures, as well as the traditions and culture of the region’s indigenous community.
Our doors are open to guests and business partners! Welcome to the Arctic!
NRC “Kurchatov Institute”
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” boasts a multidisciplinary research infrastructure, highly professional scientific and engineering staff, and experience in implementing national and global scale projects, including those in the Arctic. The institute performs research and development in the realms of nuclear energy, small modular reactors, distributed energy technologies, renewable energy resources, materials and technologies for developing the Arctic shelf, plasma technologies, nanobiotechnologies, information systems, cognitive and socio-humanistic sciences (NBICS), and more. Its stand will present information about the project ‘Arctic – Territory of Nature-Like Technologies.’
Krista Research and Production Association
Since 1992, Krista RPA has been specializing in the development of digital platforms and integrated solutions for government agencies and institutions. At its stand, Krista RPA will present analytical solutions for federal and regional authorities, enterprises and organizations. Among them is the information and analytical platform Krista BI, designed to meet the challenges of business analytics, reporting and integrated monitoring of the key indicators of business processes, as well as the mobile application iMonitoring, which contains official up-to-date information on the financial and socio-economic situation in Russia.
PJSC «MMC»Norilsk Nickel»
The central installation of the stand is a decorative structure imitating the above-water part of the iceberg. The stand is integrated with screens and augmented reality, allowing to assess the scale of production activities of «Nornickel». Development of the Arctic, social programs complete the story about the company's investment projects.
Komi Republic
The Komi Republic is one of the most important Arctic regions in the European Northeast.
Vorkuta is a strategically valuable transport, logistics, and industrial hub, as well as the largest coal mining centre in the Pechora coal basin.
At the ‘Arctic: Territory of Dialogue’ 5th International Arctic Forum, the Komi Republic will present information about the investment, natural resource, and educational and scientific potential of the region and the Vorkuta urban area, highlighting the priority projects being proposed and implemented as part of the formation of the Vorkutinsky Support Zone.
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the largest region in the Russian Federation. Over 40% of the republic’s territory is located within the Arctic Circle and 5 of its districts (ulusy) are part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
We’re open to cooperating on the development of the Arctic and are ready to tell you about the large, promising, and exclusive projects being implemented in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Arctic zone.
At Yakutia’s stand you will learn about the region’s rare deposits, get to know its high-tech projects, take a virtual reality trip to the Arctic Pole, and even take a photo with a real Celestial Bride.
See you at the International Arctic Forum!
Russian State Hydrometeorological University
The world's oldest and Russia's only hydrometeorological higher education institution recognized as a Regional Training Centre by the World Meteorological Organization.
It is involved in creating an Arctic and Climate Research Centre in St. Petersburg for advancing joint Russian-French scientific research and investment projects in the Arctic.
RSHU is a research university that prepares highly skilled professionals across a wide range of priority fields and specializations related to the environment, ecology, modern information technology, economics and management, and art.
Federal Agency for Youth Affairs
The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is a federal executive organ responsible for creating self-fulfilment opportunities for Russia’s youth.
The Federal State Budgetary Institution Rosentrepreneur is a sub-agency of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs responsible for getting the youth involved in entrepreneurial and innovative activities and teaching young people general professional skills.
The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs stand will host a packed business programme focused on the development of the Arctic region.
St. Petersburg
The St. Petersburg exhibition will present the industrial, scientific, and educational potential of St. Petersburg for the development of the Arctic zone. Visitors will be able to learn about the history of Arctic expeditions, see models of ships and icebreakers, robotics technologies, underwater and other unique equipment, try on Arctic equipment, and test drive an all-terrain vehicle on a specially prepared track.
The exhibitors include key St. Petersburg enterprises involved in the development of the Arctic and helping realize promising, complex projects in the northern latitudes.
The exposition is organized by the St. Petersburg Arctic Committee.
Damen Shipyards
Damen Shipyards Group operates 36 shipbuilding and repair yards. Damen has delivered more than 6500 vessels in more than 100 countries and delivers some 175 vessels annually to customers worldwide. Damen produces a large assortment of high-quality vessels, including icebreakers, ice class tugs, work boats, high-speed craft, shipping vessels, dredging equipment, oil tankers and gas carriers, ferries, pontoons, superyachts, and Arctic research vessels. Damen also offers a wide variety of services. Our company has extensive experience in building ice class ships in Russia, at Russian shipyards.
JSC Central Research Institute for Automation and Hydraulics (CNIIAG)
JSC Central Research Institute for Automation and Hydraulics (CNIIAG) presents an exhibition about the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
CNIIAG will present a model of helicopter flight controls equipped with an automatic landing system that provides the pilot with necessary information for initiating landing, including in limited visibility situations, without the use of a satellite navigation system. In order to demonstrate the function of the system, the model is equipped with a video recording of the view from a helicopter cockpit during a flight, and the flight controls provide information about the helicopter’s deviation from the established landing trajectory.
The exhibition will also include a model of the bridge of a ship moving along a narrow seed channel with the support of an Automated Radio Navigation System (ARNaS). This system guarantees highly accurate navigation for a ship regardless of the quality of signals from satellite navigation systems, as is demonstrated by the video recording of the modelled movement of a ship and the corresponding information on the bridge displays.
The choom is the traditional shelter of the peoples of the Far North. The exposition showcases the historical and cultural heritage of the Nenets – the indigenous people native to the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. This portable dwelling is the most convenient solution for leading a nomadic lifestyle in the tundra. All participants of the international Arctic forum will be able to learn about the indigenous Nenets culture, visit a choom, and listen to stories from women who were born in the tundra.
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is a driver of development in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Over 70% of investments made in the Russian Arctic are made in the Yamal region. In the last two years, investment in capital assets in the region has amounted to approximately 1 trillion roubles.
Yamal has been hosting the country’s largest projects, implemented by key partners such as: Gazprom, Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, LUKOIL, Transneft, other major fuel and energy industry players, and Russian Railways. The region is working on expanding opportunities for public-private partnership mechanisms.
The Yamal LNG plant for liquefying natural gas, the upcoming launch of the Arctic LNG 2 plant, and the construction of the Northern Latitudinal Railway and Northern Latitudinal Railway 2 will contribute to the development of the Northern Sea Route. This will increase the competitiveness of the fuel and energy industry companies working in Yamal and forming the foundation of the Russian economy.