Press Event Programme

March 26
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
Andrey Yepifanov
CEO, Rosseti Scientific and Technical Centre
Yury Skolubovich
Rector, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Vyacheslav Torsunov
CEO, Rosseti North-West
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S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
Nikolay Kharitonov
Chairman of the Committee on the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Nikolai Kharitonov graduated from the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute with in agronomics and from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. He is a Candidate of Sciences (Econ.).
Director of a state farm, Chairman of AO Galinskoye (Moshkov District of the Novosibirsk Region). Honoured agricultural worker of the Russian Federation. Honoured physical culture worker of the Russian Federation.
He has been elected deputy to the rural and district councils of people’s deputies, deputy to the Novosibirsk Region Council of People’s Deputies, a people’s deputy of the RSFSR; has been a member of the Committee of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation for social development of rural areas, agrarian issues and food. Nikolai Kharitonov was nominated by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation as President of the Russian Federation in the 2004 election.
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of all the six convocations.
Member of the faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
He has been awarded the “Order of Friendship”, medals “For Labour Merit”, “To commemorate the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, the commemorative anniversary medal and commemorative token of the Chairman of the State Duma “100 Years from the Day the State Duma was Founded in Russia”, Honorary Certificate of the State Duma, badge of honour of the State Duma “For Merits in Developing Parliamentarism”, gold medal “For Contribution to the Development of the Agricultural Complex of Russia”, medal “For Merits to the Novosibirsk Region”.
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Venera Kravchenko
Deputy General Director, Arctic Center for Competence
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Maksim Dankin
General Director, Arctic Development Project Office Expert Center
Deputy Director for Regional Development at the Information and Analytical Centre of the State Commission for Arctic Development, an autonomous non-profit organization.
Born on 28 May 1989 in Bryansk, Bryansk Region.
Graduated from Bryansk State Technical University in 2011 with two degrees in economics and management, and engineering.
From 2011 to 2013, he worked as an engineer at Bryanskenergo, a branch of MRSK Centre (Rosseti).
Since 2013, he has been involved in regional development in various positions: in the civil service of the Bryansk Region, in the non-profit Monotowns Development Fund (MONOGORODA.RF of the VEB.RF Group), and in the JSC Corporation for Development of the Far East and the Arctic. Since 2020, he has been the Deputy Director for Regional Development of the Information and Analytical Centre of the State Commission for Arctic Development.
He participated in the preparation of several strategic planning documents at the municipal, regional and federal levels, including the preparation of the priority programme of the Russian government’s project “Integrated Development of Monotowns”, the Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic until 2035, the Strategy of Development and National Security of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation until 2035, and the Russian state programme “Social and Economic Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation”.
Vladimir Panov
Special Representative for the Development of the Arctic, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM; Deputy Chairman, The State Commission for Arctic Development
Ke Jin
General Director, New New Shipping
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S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
Elena Dyagileva
Member of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Budget and Financial Markets
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S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
Oksana Demchenko
First Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, conference hall 1
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, conference hall 1
Alexander Krutikov
General Director, Crystal of Growth Foundation
Born November 17, 1987 in Odintsovo, Moscow Region.
2009: graduated with distinction from Odintsovo University in “State and municipal administration”.
Since 2009: Pro-Rector for innovative and scientific development of Odintsovo University;
2010: elected Deputy to the Council of Deputies of the Odintsovo Municipal District;
Since 2012: Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Odintsovo Municipal District. June 12, 2013: co-founded the All-Russia People’s Front.
2013: appointed First Deputy Head of the Odintsovo Municipal District Administration.
September 2014: qualified for the administration team of the Far East by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and appointed Deputy Director of the Department for the Territorial and Socioeconomic Development of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East.
From December 2015 to October 2016 - Director of the Department for Implementation of Investment Projects of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East. From October 7, 2016 to January 12, 2021, he was Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East.
Dmitry Artyukhov
Governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region
Kirill Dmitriev
Chief Executive Officer, Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF); Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Investment and Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries
Kirill Dmitriev has been the CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the sovereign wealth fund of the Russian Federation, since 2011. Prior to that, he had headed a number of large private equity funds and completed a series of landmark transactions in Russia with General Electric, Société Générale, and Fidelity Investments, among others. Mr. Dmitriev began his career at Goldman Sachs and McKinsey & Company.
He is as a member of the BRICS and APEC Business Councils and serves as a member of supervisory boards of leading Russian companies in finance, infrastructure, mining and transportation. Mr. Dmitriev supports a number of cultural and educational initiatives as a member of the boards of trustees of various institutions, including The Mariinsky Theatre, The Moscow State University, The Russian Institute of Theatre Arts GITIS, and The Russian Oriental Art Museum.
In 2009, he was selected by the World Economic Forum as a ‘Young Global Leader’ and in 2011 Mr. Dmitriev was the only Russian representative on the list of ‘100 most influential private equity professionals of the decade’ (Private Equity International). He holds a BA in Economics with Honors and Distinction from Stanford University and an MBA with High Distinction (Baker Scholar) from the Harvard Business School.
Mr. Dmitriev is a recipient of national awards for his valuable contribution from Russia, Saudi Arabia, France, Kazakhstan and other countries.
On February 23, 2025, Kirill Dmitriev was appointed special representative of the President of Russia for investment and economic cooperation with foreign countries.
Igor Levitin
Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation; Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in the Field of Transport
Born on February 21, 1952, in Tsebrikovo, Odessa Region, Ukraine.
1973 – graduated from the Railway Corps and Military Transport School, Leningrad (now St Petersburg).
1983 – graduated from the Military Logistics Support and Transport Academy with a degree in Railway Engineering.
1973–1976 – served on the Transdnestr Railway in the Odessa Military District.
1976–1980 – served in the South Army Group.
1983–1985 – Military Commandant of a railway section and Urgal station on the Baikal-Amur railway line (BAM).
1984 – took part in driving the Golden Spike, when eastern and western sections of the BAM were linked.
1985–1994 – Section Military Commandant, Head of a Military Transport Department and Deputy Head of Military Transport on the Moscow Railway.
1996–2004 – employed at SeverStalTrans.
1998 – Deputy CEO of SeverStalTrans; supervised the transport engineering sector, railway transport and seaport operations.
March 9, 2004 – appointed Transport and Communications Minister.
May 20, 2004 – appointed Transport Minister.
Since May 21, 2012 – Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation.
Since September 2, 2013 – Aide to the President of the Russian Federation.
Was a member of the Public Council of the Government Commission for the Railway Transport Reform.
Married, with a daughter.
Aisen Nikolaev
Head of Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
Born on January 22, 1972 in Leningrad
1994 - graduated from the physics department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Started his career in finance corporation «SAPI»
1995 – Deputy Chairman of the Board of «Almazergienbank»
1998 – The Chairman of «Almazergienbank»
2004 – Minister of Finance of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
2007 – Chief of the Presidential and Government Administration of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
2011 – First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
2012 - 2017 – Mayor of the city of Yakutsk
May 2018 – appointed as acting Head of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
The Head of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) since September 2018
He was elected to the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).
Granted title of honor «Honored Worker of National Economy of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)». Decorated with diplomas of the Federation Council, The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Nikolay Patrushev
Aide to the President of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Maritime Collegium of the Russian Federation
Alexander Tsybulskiy
Governor of Arkhangelsk Region
Born on July 15, 1979 in Moscow.
Graduated from the Military University attached to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2001.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of International Business in 2006.
Fluent in English, Greek and French.
Work experience:
1996-2005: Military service.
2005-2008: Worked in various positions at the Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry
of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.
2008-2011: Worked in various positions аt the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
2011-2013: Director of the Department of International Relations and Development of Cross-Border Cooperation, Director of the Department for the Coordination of State Industry Programs, Ministry
of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
2013-2014: Aide to the Minister, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Director of the Department for Interaction with Customs Union Authorities and Economic Cooperation with CIS Countries, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
2014-2017: Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
Since September 2017 - Acting Governor of Nenets Autonomous Area.
On October 1, 2018, assumed the post of Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Area.
From April 3, 2020 - Acting Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region.
From October 8, 2020 - Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region.
Alexey Tsydenov
Head of the Republic of Buryatia
Year of birth: 1976.
1998: Graduated from the Far Eastern State Transport University.
1998 – 2002: Held managerial positions at railway transport enterprises.
2002 – 2004: CEO of LLC Dalneftetrans.
2004 – 2006: CEO of JSC "Far Eastern Transport Group".
2006 – 2009: Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the field of railway transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
2009 – 2011: Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation.
January 2012 - June 2012: Head of the Federal Agency of Railway Transport.
June 2012 - February 2017 he worked as Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
February 2017 – September 2017: Acting head of the Republic of Buryatia.
Since September 2017: Head of the Republic of Buryatia.
Alexey Chekunkov
Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Alexey Chekunkov has been the head of the Far East Development Fund since October, 2014.In 2013-2014 Alexey managed his own investment company PAMIR Capital before appointment to the position of the Far East Development Fund Chief Executive Officer. In 2011-2013 he worked as a Director, Member of the Management Board and Investment Committee in the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Mr. Chekunkov was responsible for investments in healthcare, energy saving, raw materials sector as well as for establishing of the Russian-Chinese Investment Fund with 2 billion dollars capital. In 2009-2011 Alexey managed his own investment company New Nations Capital (venture capital investments, investment banking). In 2006-2009 he worked in the position of Managing Director in the investment company United Gold Company (UGC), being a part of Alfa-Group consortium.In 2003-2006 he was Vice-President in Delta Private Equity, one of the leading private equity companies in Russia, managing over 500 million dollars capital. He participated in a number of landmark deals including sale of Delta Bank, of TV channels STS and TV-3, of the National Cable Networks holding, of the company Compulink. In 2002-2003 Mr. Chekunkov took part in consolidation of gold-mining assets in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) as the Projects Director in the Investment Group Alrosa. On November 10, 2020, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic.
Andrey Chibis
Governor of Murmansk Region
Born 19 March 1979, in Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic.
1996–2001: studied Jurisprudence at the Moscow Consumer Cooperation University. 2001–2004: Lawyer (private law practice) 2004–2005: Advisor to the Governor of the Ryazan Region and later Head of the Expert Department at the Administration of the President of the Chuvash Republic.
2006–2007: Deputy Director of Construction Department, Head of Support Team for the national project Affordable Housing promoted by the Russian Ministry of Regional Development.
2007–2008: Head of the Directorate for Affordable Housing Market Development at the Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Utilities. 2008–2011: Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Managing Committee, Director for Legal and Corporate Issues, RSS Plc.
From July 2009: Vice-President of the National Union of Water Utility. 2011–2012: Executive Director of the Socioeconomic and Political Research Institute Fund under the All-Russia People’s Front. Since October 2011: Executive Director of NP Development of Housing and Utilities. Since August 2012: member of the Advisory Panel under the Russian Government and Head of the Working Group for Development of Housing and Utilities under the Advisory Panel of the Russian Government. 6 December 2013: appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities, Russian Federation. 1 October 2014: appointed Chief State Housing Inspector of Russia. December 2015: elected Bureau Member of the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management.
21 March 2019: Acting Governor of Murmansk Region
Front row participants:
Sergey Vakhrukov
Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation for National Maritime Policy
Rostislav Goldshtein
Acting Head of the Komi Republic
Vladislav Kuznetsov
Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Region
Arthur Parfenchikov
Head of the Republic of Karelia
Mikhail Ratmanov
Deputy Head, FMBA of Russia
Sergey Shishkarev
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Delo Group of Companies
Sergey Shishkarev was born on February 2, 1968, in Novorossiysk. He graduated with honors from the Red Banner Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration. Doctor in law.

In 1993, he founded Delo Group, one of the largest holdings in the transportation services market, and headed the company until 1999. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Delo Group.

From 1999 to 2012, Sergey Shishkarev was three times elected Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, worked in various committees of the State Duma. He is the author of more than 50 bills.

Since 2015, Sergey Shishkarev has been heading the Russian Handball Federation.

In December 2022, he was elected Vice President of the Russian Olympic Committee, and in March 2023 became a member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports.

Sergey Shishkarev is a member of the Government Commission on Transport.

He actively supports social projects, such as the development of professional and children's sports and demography.
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Olga Vovk
Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
Nikolay Zapryagaev
General Director, Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Mayya Lomidze
Executive Director, Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR)
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Ksenia Zinatullina
Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region - Minister of Justice of the Murmansk Region
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
Rinat Gaynutdinov
CEO, Arsenal
Nikolay Zapryagaev
General Director, Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
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S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
Olga Vovk
Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
Igor Barinov
Head, Russian Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs
Born on 22 May 1968 in Novocherkassk, Rostov Region.
In 1990, he graduated with honours from the Novosibirsk 60th Anniversary of October Higher General Military and Political School, in 2003 from the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, in 2011 from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Since 1990, he served in the 103th Vitebsk airborne division, since 1993 – in the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (commander of the regional division of the Alpha group). Several times he was sent to the emergency zones, took part in counter-terrorist operations in the Chechen Republic. He was wounded three times.
In 2003, he was elected deputy of the 4th State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from a single mandate district. He was a member of the following committees and commissions: International Affairs Committee, Anti-Corruption Council, Mandate and Deputy Ethics Commission; headed the subcommittee on legislative support for international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the fight against international terrorism and transnational organised crime. In the 5th State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, he worked in the Defence Committee, co-chaired the Commission for the Federal Budget Expenditures, aimed at ensuring the defence and state security of the Russian Federation.
In the 6th State Duma of the Federal Assembly, he was deputy chairman of the Defence Committee.
In 2009, he was included in the top 100 executive candidates pool of the President of the Russian Federation.
In April 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation appointed Igor Barinov as the head of the Federal Agency for Nationality Affairs.
Awarded the fourth-class medal for the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, Order of Courage, the Order of Military Merit, the Suvorov Medal, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class medals ‘For Distinguished Military Service’, the medal ‘For Strengthening Comradeship-in-Arms’.
Married with a son and three daughters.
Nikolay Utkin
First Vice President – Head of Government Relations, Member of the Management Board, Norilsk Nickel
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
Igor Barinov
Head, Russian Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs
Born on 22 May 1968 in Novocherkassk, Rostov Region.
In 1990, he graduated with honours from the Novosibirsk 60th Anniversary of October Higher General Military and Political School, in 2003 from the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, in 2011 from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Since 1990, he served in the 103th Vitebsk airborne division, since 1993 – in the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (commander of the regional division of the Alpha group). Several times he was sent to the emergency zones, took part in counter-terrorist operations in the Chechen Republic. He was wounded three times.
In 2003, he was elected deputy of the 4th State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from a single mandate district. He was a member of the following committees and commissions: International Affairs Committee, Anti-Corruption Council, Mandate and Deputy Ethics Commission; headed the subcommittee on legislative support for international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the fight against international terrorism and transnational organised crime. In the 5th State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, he worked in the Defence Committee, co-chaired the Commission for the Federal Budget Expenditures, aimed at ensuring the defence and state security of the Russian Federation.
In the 6th State Duma of the Federal Assembly, he was deputy chairman of the Defence Committee.
In 2009, he was included in the top 100 executive candidates pool of the President of the Russian Federation.
In April 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation appointed Igor Barinov as the head of the Federal Agency for Nationality Affairs.
Awarded the fourth-class medal for the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, Order of Courage, the Order of Military Merit, the Suvorov Medal, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class medals ‘For Distinguished Military Service’, the medal ‘For Strengthening Comradeship-in-Arms’.
Married with a son and three daughters.
Nikolay Utkin
First Vice President – Head of Government Relations, Member of the Management Board, Norilsk Nickel
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
Rishat Bagautdinov
General Director, Vodokhod
Arthur Parfenchikov
Head of the Republic of Karelia
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Svetlana Panfilova
Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region; Minister of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
Alexander Kuznetsov
Deputy CEO, Roskadastr Public Law Company
Victoria Minkina
Minister of Property Relations of the Murmansk Region
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S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture, 1st floor, точка пресс-подхода № 1
Ruslan Kukharuk
Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Territory - Ugra
Born on May 8, 1979 in Uray Town of the Tyumen Region
In 2001 he graduated from Tyumen State University in “Law” Major
In 2012 he received a degree in “State and Municipal Management” Major

2002 – 2002 - Chief Specialist-lawyer of Regulatory Affairs Department,
Regulatory Affairs Team Leader of Legal and Institutional Staff Management of Tyumen District Administration.
2002 – 2011 - Chief Specialist of Legal Department, Chief Legal Officer of Land Relations, Head of Land Control and Lease Office of Property Relations Department of the Tyumen Region.
2011 – 2014

- Director of Land Resources Department of Tyumen City Administration.
2014 – 2016 Director of Land and Urban Planning Department of Tyumen City Administration.
2016 – 2018 Deputy Mayor of Tyumen City Administration.
Since 2018 Mayor of Tyumen City.
Awarded the Letter of Appreciation of the Russian Federation President, Letter of Acknowledgement of the Chairperson of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Letter of Acknowledgement of the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Executive Office
Elena Marinina
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Roscongress Foundation; Director, Innosocium Foundation
Elena Marinina graduated from the Faculty of Art History at the Free University of Berlin and the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts.
As deputy CEO of the Roscongress Foundation, she is responsible for organizing work with non-commercial organizations and promoting the social agenda, civil initiatives, and a dialogue between the government, business, and society at major forums held by the Roscongress Foundation.
Elena Marinina’s work as deputy CEO of the Roscongress Foundation and director of the Innosocium Foundation has helped to create a wide range of new socially significant areas of work and create the conditions needed to establish an ecosystem of collaboration with young people, non-commercial organizations, representatives of creative professions, the educational system, and culture. As part of these activities, fundamental issues concerning the development of civil society and social institutions have been steadily integrated into the agenda of the largest business and economic forums.
In 2019, Elena Marinina took over the Innosocium Foundation, the social platform of the Roscongress Foundation, which initiated the agenda for the development of creative industries in Russia and became a partner in major socially oriented projects, including the Creative Business Forum and the Innosocium All-Russian Competition of Communication Social Projects, among other things.
She produces ethnocultural projects at the federal level and handles the operational management of projects as part of the implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy 2025 and the Action Plan on Innovative Cooperation for 2021–2024.
She is a member of the Council under the Russian Government on Trusteeship Issues in the Social Sphere, a member of the Council of the Eurasian Women’s Forum, a member of the ASI Expert Council, chairwoman of the ASI Working Group on the Development of Creative Industries and Support for Cultural and Historical Heritage Projects, co-chairwoman of the International Cultural Exchange Working Group as part of the BRICS Civil Forum, a member of the national five countries of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance from Russia, a member of the Russian delegation of the Women 20, and a member of the Organizing Committee of the 22nd Spirit of Fire International Film Debut Festival.
Vera Podguzova
Senior Vice President, Director of External Relations Directorate, Promsvyazbank

• 2007–2012: Editor-in-chief of the social and political magazine Russia United;
• 2009–2019: Deputy of the Municipal Assembly Vladimirsky Municipal District, St. Petersburg;
• 2010–2016: Part-time management positions in marketing and advertising in banking;
• Since March 2016 to June 2019: Russian Export Center, Director of External Communications;
• Since June 2019 to present: Senior Vice President, Director of External Relations Directorate, Promsvyazbank PJSC.
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Tsentralny Stadion Profsoyuzov, 1, Ulitsa Chelyuskintsev
Tsentralny Stadion Profsoyuzov, 1, Ulitsa Chelyuskintsev
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March 27
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Svetlana Panfilova
Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region; Minister of Arctic Development and Economy of the Murmansk Region
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Vladislav Kuznetsov
Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Region
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
Oksana Demchenko
First Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region
Vlad Fedulov
Managing Director, Avito
In 2023, he was appointed Managing Director of Avito. Mr. Fedulov oversees the company’s partnership with government authorities.
He has 30 years’ governmental experience.
Between 2020 and 2023, he served as Deputy Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.
From 2009 to 2020, Mr. Fedulov worked in the RF Government Office, where he rose from Deputy Director to Director of the Government Department of Information Technologies and Communications.
Between 2006 and 2009, he held senior positions in the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, the Center for Strategic Research - Region Foundation, the Russian Accounts Chamber and the Russian Government Office.
Between 1993 and 2006 he held various positions in commercial companies and government agencies.
Mr. Fedulov graduated from the Moscow University of Consumer Cooperation with a major in Finance and Credit.
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Marta Govor
Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights in the Murmansk Region
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка церемоний подписания
Oksana Demchenko
First Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region
Sergey Zhdanov
Managing Director, Director of the Health Industry Center, Sberbank
Evgeny Shlyakhto
General Director, Almazov National Medical Research Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Chief Visiting Cardiologist Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Professor Evgeny Shlyakhto, Director General of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, President of the Russian Society of Cardiology, Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Cardiology.
Professor Shlyakhto was born on June 29, 1954 in Pogar, the Bryansk region. He graduated from the Pavlov Medical University in Saint Petersburg in 1977 and became Doctor of Science in Medicine in 1992, Professor in 1994, Honored Russian Scientist in 2004, and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2014.
Evgeny Shlyakhto has been the Director General of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre since 2001 and the President of the Russian Society of Cardiology since 2011. In 2010, he became a member of the WHO Expert Working Group.
The Centre led by Prof. Shlyakhto carries out intensive research in the fields of translational medicine, molecular diagnostics, development of diagnostic tools for personalized treatment, cellular and tissue engineering for therapeutic purposes, creation of biocompatible materials and tissue-engineered constructs designed to create breakthrough medical technologies of fundamental importance for providing high-tech care to patients with cardiovascular, endocrine and blood diseases.
The results of research work by Prof. Shlyakhto have been summarized in more than 800 publications, 16 inventions, 2 scientific discoveries, and a number of monographs. Prof. Shlyakhto was a supervisor in 57 PhD and 20 DSc students..
Professor Shlyakhto is a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Science, the Presidential Council for Science and Education, the Regional Health Council under the Federation Council of the Russian Federal Assembly, the Expert Health Council of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy of the Russian Federal Assembly, Vice President of the National Medical Chamber.
Evgeny Shlyakhto is the Editor-in-Chief of the following medical journals: Russian Journal of Cardiology, Translational Medicine, and Journal of Arrhythmology. He also is a member of the international editorial board of the European Heart Journal.
Professor Shlyakhto plays an active role in such international committees as the ESC Congress Programme Committee (since 2012) and of the ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (since 2015).
Evgeny Shlyakhto received the Russian Federation Government Prize in science and technology in 2009 and won the Pavlov Award, the prize for scientific and technological achievement in Physiology and Medicine from the Saint Petersburg Government and St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2011. He received an Order of Honour in 2012 and 4th class Order of Merit for the Motherland in 2017.
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Филармония, 2-й этаж, пресс-центр, зал для брифингов
Anton Kobyakov
Adviser to the Russian President
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Alexey Chekunkov
Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Alexey Chekunkov has been the head of the Far East Development Fund since October, 2014.In 2013-2014 Alexey managed his own investment company PAMIR Capital before appointment to the position of the Far East Development Fund Chief Executive Officer. In 2011-2013 he worked as a Director, Member of the Management Board and Investment Committee in the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Mr. Chekunkov was responsible for investments in healthcare, energy saving, raw materials sector as well as for establishing of the Russian-Chinese Investment Fund with 2 billion dollars capital. In 2009-2011 Alexey managed his own investment company New Nations Capital (venture capital investments, investment banking). In 2006-2009 he worked in the position of Managing Director in the investment company United Gold Company (UGC), being a part of Alfa-Group consortium.In 2003-2006 he was Vice-President in Delta Private Equity, one of the leading private equity companies in Russia, managing over 500 million dollars capital. He participated in a number of landmark deals including sale of Delta Bank, of TV channels STS and TV-3, of the National Cable Networks holding, of the company Compulink. In 2002-2003 Mr. Chekunkov took part in consolidation of gold-mining assets in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) as the Projects Director in the Investment Group Alrosa. On November 10, 2020, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic.
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Dmitry Panychev
Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region - Minister of Health of the Murmansk Region
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AZIMUT, 2-й этаж, точка пресс-подхода № 2
Elena Dyagileva
Member of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Budget and Financial Markets
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March 29
Dolina Uyuta
Dolina Uyuta
Andrey Chibis
Governor of Murmansk Region
Born 19 March 1979, in Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic.
1996–2001: studied Jurisprudence at the Moscow Consumer Cooperation University. 2001–2004: Lawyer (private law practice) 2004–2005: Advisor to the Governor of the Ryazan Region and later Head of the Expert Department at the Administration of the President of the Chuvash Republic.
2006–2007: Deputy Director of Construction Department, Head of Support Team for the national project Affordable Housing promoted by the Russian Ministry of Regional Development.
2007–2008: Head of the Directorate for Affordable Housing Market Development at the Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Utilities. 2008–2011: Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Managing Committee, Director for Legal and Corporate Issues, RSS Plc.
From July 2009: Vice-President of the National Union of Water Utility. 2011–2012: Executive Director of the Socioeconomic and Political Research Institute Fund under the All-Russia People’s Front. Since October 2011: Executive Director of NP Development of Housing and Utilities. Since August 2012: member of the Advisory Panel under the Russian Government and Head of the Working Group for Development of Housing and Utilities under the Advisory Panel of the Russian Government. 6 December 2013: appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities, Russian Federation. 1 October 2014: appointed Chief State Housing Inspector of Russia. December 2015: elected Bureau Member of the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management.
21 March 2019: Acting Governor of Murmansk Region
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