Media Accreditation

Dear colleagues,

Registration of media representatives and blogosphere

for the ‘Arctic: Territory of Dialogue’ International Arctic Forum 

will be open from 3 March 2024 to 14 March 2025

  1. In order to be accredited you must:

    Complete a registration application on the official the Forum website.

    Please complete all fields on the registration form. Please make sure that your personal information has been entered correctly: the information you provide will be printed on your badge.

    Please pay special attention to the badge photograph requirements:

    • colour photograph in jpeg format;
    • 3×4 proportions;
    • resolution of at least 480×640;
    • the image must be a frontal view of the face, without any headgear;
    • the face must take up at least 70% of the photograph.

    Each media or blogosphere representative from your organization is required to independently fill out a registration application to participate in covering the Forum.

    Information about the status of your accreditation request, as well as additional information, will be sent to the contact email address you provided during registration.

    Applications are accepted from blogosphere representatives who have the ‘Verified Account’ status in the Forum accreditation system. Blogosphere representatives whose audience size exceeds 10,000 users (in accordance with clause 13, Part 1, Article 10.6 of Federal Law No. 149-FZ dated 27 July 2006 “On Information, Information Technologies, and the Protection of Information”) must provide an excerpt on registration with the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) in their cover letter (link to Gosuslugi with confirmation).

  2. Procedure for issuing accreditation badges to media and blogosphere representatives

    • Media and blogosphere representatives are given accreditation badges provided their registration applications are approved by the Forum Organizers.

    • Accreditation badges are issued at accreditation stations in Moscow and Murmansk. Information about the location and hours of the accreditation stations is available on the Forum website.

    • Accreditation badges may only be issued if the following conditions are met:

      • if there is confirmed accreditation in the database
      • if there is written consent for the processing of personal data
      • upon presenting a passport (the passport data must match the data specified in the registration form)
      • if an accreditation badge is obtained by proxy, you must provide a power of attorney as well as a copy of your passport
      • blogosphere representatives must have the ‘Verified Account’ status in the Roscongress Foundation system
      • blogosphere representatives with an audience exceeding 10,000 subscribers must provide an excerpt on registration with Roskomnadzor
    • The badge is personalized and may not be given to third parties during the Forum. The badge must be worn in a visible place at all times when at the Forum venue.

    • Any other accreditation cards are not valid for entering the Forum venue.

    • If an accreditation badge is lost or stolen, the media or blogosphere representative must immediately notify any information desk. A lost badge will be blocked. A duplicate will be issued based on a written request.

The Forum will be held in compliance with all required safety measures and recommendations of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (hereinafter Rospotrebnazor) to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Forum Organizing Committee reserves the right to determine the number of accredited media and blogosphere representatives as dictated by the sanitary and epidemiological situation.

Applications without a covering letter will not be considered.

Follow the latest news on the official Forum website and in newsletters.

‘Arctic: Territory of Dialogue’ International Arctic Forum Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse accreditation.

Contact info for Media Relations Directorate

For general inquiries, please contact the Forum's information center:
 +7 (499) 700 06 07.

To check the status of your application, you can call the staff of the Media Relations Department.
+7 (921) 094 66 91
+7 (911) 112 17 80
+7 (921) 572 12 05
+7 (921) 306 57 39
+7 (921) 402 14 90

The review period is at least 10 calendar days following the expiration of the deadline for accepting applications for registration from media and blogosphere representatives.