Business programme 2025
The Russian Arctic is a strategically important region where numerous investment projects of various scales are being implemented in a wide range of industries. Many of them receive state support in the form of administrative preferences and tax breaks as part of the preferential regimes that exist in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) and advanced special economic zones (ASEZ). The federal law on state support for entrepreneurship in the AZRF was adopted on 13 July 2020 and has been providing assistance to new investment projects. Over the almost five years that have passed since then, more than 900 companies have become residents of the AZRF. The ASEZ regime is also in effect in the Arctic in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk Regions, as well as the Chukotka Autonomous District. How can we assess the work of the preferential regimes over these five years? What new solutions could be applied in the Arctic to create new enterprises and maintain the capacity of existing ones? What tools will truly help strengthen and develop business in the harsh conditions of the North?Roll up
Russia’s Arctic zone is a strategically vital economic region. The development of the Russian Arctic is mainly driven by the utilization of its mineral and raw material potential, including its extensive resources of hydrocarbon raw materials, ores, and coal. What are some of the key issues that must be resolved for the integrated development of deposits, including the need to develop and introduce advanced technologies for sustainable subsoil use that will ensure the maximum efficiency of extraction as well as environmental safety? What is essential to creating effective infrastructure for the implementation of major investment projects? The development of new logistics arrangements is becoming a critical factor in ensuring the timely delivery of resources and the economic efficiency of projects. What is the most important condition for attracting investors and ensuring the sustainable socioeconomic development of the Arctic?Roll up
Russia has tremendous infrastructure and natural resources to develop the Arctic as a tourist destination: the northern lights, the way of life of the Indigenous peoples of the North, the longest ski season in the world, the resources of industrial giants, and, of course, the Northern Sea Route. However, tourist trips to the Arctic only make up 5% of overall tourism in the country. Russia has declared 2025 the Year of Arctic Tourism in an effort to draw attention to industrial development beyond the Arctic Circle. What types of tourism could be most successfully improved in the region and what economic effect could they generate? What are some of the challenges of Arctic tourism? To what extent do new planning approaches in the tourism industry take into account an integrated approach to the development of Arctic territories and aim to preserve the fragile ecosystem and ensure the socioeconomic development of the Arctic regions? What do Arctic tourists need? How will government measures to support tourism affect the development of the Arctic? What steps are needed to improve the tourism industry? What role does tourism play in diversifying the economies of cities where major industrial companies are present? Can the Northern Sea Route and cruise tourism in Russia’s Arctic zone successfully compete with other international cruise lines in the Arctic? What new locations could become new growth points for the Arctic tourism industry?Roll up
The Arctic region is a land of extreme climate and unique conditions, shaping the nature of entrepreneurship. Only brands that adapt to these harsh environments thrive, drawing inspiration from the North’s distinctive culture and natural wealth. The Russian government, development institutions, and regional authorities are actively implementing special support measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the Arctic. These initiatives include training programmes and consultancy support aimed at improving the region’s business climate. The goal is to stimulate entrepreneurship, create jobs, and ensure the sustainable economic development of Arctic territories. How can businesses effectively scale and expand Arctic brands? What unique characteristics help them stand out and attract customers? And how can a platform-based economy support their promotion in the domestic market while addressing its specific challenges?Roll up